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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <search sroffset="10" />
    <searchinfo totalhits="15" />
      <p ns="0" title="Functions:pageChildrenGet" snippet="...n relationships. If no sale from date is assigned the value will be empty, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; there is no beginning cut off date for the sale.&#10; relationships. If no sale to date is assigned the value will be empty, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; there is no ending cut off date for the sale.&#10;" size="18272" wordcount="2754" timestamp="2010-07-13T11:00:27Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Functions:pageSearchGet" snippet="...n relationships. If no sale from date is assigned the value will be empty, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; there is no beginning cut off date for the sale.&#10; relationships. If no sale to date is assigned the value will be empty, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; there is no ending cut off date for the sale.&#10;" size="23388" wordcount="3353" timestamp="2009-04-08T15:29:57Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Functions:pageGet" snippet="...n relationships. If no sale from date is assigned the value will be empty, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; there is no beginning cut off date for the sale.&#10; relationships. If no sale to date is assigned the value will be empty, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; there is no ending cut off date for the sale.&#10;" size="17598" wordcount="2669" timestamp="2009-04-03T13:15:45Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Installation" snippet=" set to lower case by windows. The linux file system is case sensitive, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; that if a script calls for the table using any upper case letters where the&#10;" size="16908" wordcount="2603" timestamp="2013-11-08T16:35:13Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Settings:First Use" snippet="...visitor to verify via an automated email before they qualify) or opt out (&lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; the registering visitor is automatically qualified after submitting an emai&#10;" size="18660" wordcount="2944" timestamp="2008-12-05T04:20:43Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Page field availability" snippet="...g standard fields can be activated to deactivated in a PER TEMPLATE basis, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; they are controlling the template and only effect pages using that template&#10;" size="1677" wordcount="259" timestamp="2008-10-21T12:36:29Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Page Templates:First Look" snippet="...e page will output. The contents of the code area will be evaluated as PHP &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; all your output should be entered using “echo” statements and encased i&#10;" size="4419" wordcount="702" timestamp="2008-10-21T13:35:44Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Page Templates:Creating a Billing Address Template" snippet="// ... as if this checkbox is usable (&lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; billing address is after shipping address), than the...&#10;" size="10797" wordcount="1452" timestamp="2009-02-08T22:58:56Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Page Templates:Creating a Shipping Address Template" snippet="// ... as if this checkbox is usable (&lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; shipping address is after billing address), than the...&#10;" size="10899" wordcount="1469" timestamp="2009-01-08T15:11:16Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Functions:userAddressAddEdit" snippet=" cannot contain comma (,), slash (/) or colon (:) as these have special &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; to the processing function&#10;" size="5930" wordcount="768" timestamp="2009-02-25T03:19:56Z" />