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The website currently offers two methods of shipping controls: Levels and Fedex:

  • Shipping Levels gives complete control of shipping prices over site managers. Site managers can create any number of shipping methods and pricing threshholds. With each shipping method / pricing threshhold a combination of flat $ fee and order total % can be specified.
  • Fedex provides a base price that is automatically derived based on the weights of the items in the shopping cart. The base fedex price can be augmented by an additional fixed rate, multiplier and/or weight level price adjustments.

See the shipping section in the eCommerce tab of settings in order to select the shipping control method and the fedex price augments.

Shipping Settings

Shipping settings are specified in the eCommerce tab of settings. Either Fedex or Level shipping can be specified. Fedex shipping will base shipping charges on fedex pricing tables which can be augmented by additional charges as specified in settings. Level shipping will base shipping charges on settings made in the shipping level table. See settings for details on these shipping settings.

Fedex Shipping

If fedex shipping is selected in settings, shipping prices will be calculated based on the fedex shipping rate table and the products' weight. The fedex price can be augmented by price adjustments set in settings. The following price augments are available:

Flat Rate

The flat rate amount will be added to each order, in addition to the Fedex rate derived from the fedex shipping table.


The fedex rate will be multiplied by the multiplier. Set to "1" to have the fedex rate unchanged by the multiplier value.

Weight Levels

Weight level surcharges can be set to apply to weight threshholds. These are fixed amounts that apply to the shipping charge based on the total weight of the items in the cart. This value is entered as a query string (levels separated by ampersand &, value pairs separated by equals =). For example, to have a $5 surcharge when the cart total weight surpasses 3 lbs and a $10 surcharge when it passes 5 lbs and a $12.50 surcharge when it passed 8 lbs, enter "3=5&5=10&8=12.5"

Level Shipping

If level shipping is selected in settings, shipping prices will be calculated based on the level shipping table. The buyer will be charged a shipping rate based on the shipping method they select and the price level threshold their cart subtotal qualifies for based on the information in this form. Any number of shipping methods and dollar thresholds can be specified in the level shipping table. All shipping methods will be available for buyers to select from during the checkout process - the buyer will be charged based on the shipping method and the dollar threshhold the order total falls within.

Be sure to update your Default Shipping Code in Settings > eCommerce > Shipping after making changes / or adding to the shipping options. With no default shipping code, visitors will NOT be charged shipping until they select a ship type which could result in 'zero shipping cost' orders.

The shipping option management form

The shipping level form consists of rows of shipping method options and column of shipping level price thresholds. Links are provided around the border of the form to add new shipping method rows and shipping level columns. The form consists of the following fields:

  • Price Level Floors: The top row (in gray) of the form consists of fields for price level floors for each price level. One price floor field will be available for each price level column in the form. Enter the minimum order subtotal price that will qualify the order for each price level.
  • Shipping Codes: The left column consists of fields for shipping codes. A shipping code should be a short, 2-4 character representation of the shipping method. No two shipping codes should be the same. One shipping code field will be available for each shipping option method in the form.
  • Shipping Names: The 2nd to left column consists of fields for shipping descriptions. The values entered into these fields will be presented to buyers as the shipping method options they may select from. One shipping name field will be available for each shipping option method in the form.
  • Shipping charge fields: where each price level (column) and option method (row) meet, two shipping charge fields will be available: fixed dollar value (signified by the $ sign preceding the field); percentage of order (signified by the % sign following the field). The buyer's order would be subject to both the fixed dollar amount and the percentage of order charges where their order's selected shipping option method meets their orders price level in this form.

Adding a shipping method option

To add a shipping method option, such as overnight, 2-day or ground, select the "add shipping option" link at the bottom left of the form. A new row of empty fields will be added to the form, ready to be filled in with shipping data.

Deleting a shipping method option

To remove a shipping method, select the "drop shipping method" link to the right of the shipping method row you wish to delete.

Adding a price level threshold

To add a price level threshold, select the 'add price level' link to the top right of the form. A new, empty price level column will be added to the right side of the form, ready to be filled with pricing data.

Deleting a price level threshold

To remove a price level column, select the 'drop price level' link at the bottom of the row.