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(New page: The billing address template is a form for the user to enter their billing address After creating the template, setup a page for it. Place the pageId of this new page in Settings > eComme...)
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Revision as of 14:48, 20 October 2008

The billing address template is a form for the user to enter their billing address

After creating the template, setup a page for it. Place the pageId of this new page in Settings > eCommerce tab: "Billing Address Page Id"

Sample content is below:

// when called correctly (using fa=ORDER.checkoutBilling)
// the $addressArr array will be passed to this page 
// containing all the fields for the address form
// also $orderArray will be passed with the complete cart data
// if using the address book, we need to get the user's address
if($isLoggedIn) $arrAddresses = eV::userGetAddresses("emailAddress,firstName,lastName,company,street1,street2,city,state,zipCode,country,phone1,addressName,addressId");
// get the options for the state select field
// pass addressArr['state'] to set the detauly
$stateOptionString = eV::addressStateOptions($addressArr['state']);
// get the shipping address from orderArray
// only necessary if using the 'use this address for shipping' option
// pulling from address in first item
$shippingAddressId = $orderArray['items'][0]['sale_addressId'];
// display message if there is one
// this variable will be uysed by the system
// to report back any incomplete/ invalid information in the form
if(!empty($message)) echo "<p><font color=red><b>$message</b></font></p>";    
// output content management controlled data for the page, if necessary
echo "$title
// display address selections if logged in an using address book
if($isLoggedIn) {
	// here's a nifty javascript function 
	// to allow selection of addresses auto populate the form
	// make sure to adjust to your specific fields!
	echo "
	<script language=\"javascript\">
	function popAddress(firstName,lastName,street1,street2,city,state,zipCode,phone1,emailAddress,company){
		formObj = window.document.billingAddressForm;
		formObj.firstName.value = firstName;
		formObj.lastName.value = lastName;
		formObj.street1.value = street1;
		formObj.street2.value = street2;
		formObj.city.value = city;
		formObj.zipCode.value = zipCode;
		formObj.phone1.value = phone1;
		formObj.emailAddress.value = emailAddress;
		formObj.company.value = company;
		for(var i=0;i<formObj.state.length;i++) if(formObj.state.options[i].value == state) formObj.state.selectedIndex = i; 
	// -->
	// loop thru available addresses
	// $arrAddresses is an array returned by the call to userGetAddresses at beginning
	foreach($arrAddresses AS $row){
		// output address data
		// you can show as little or as much info here as you would like
		echo "<hr>" . $row['firstName'] . " " . $row['lastName'] . "
			<br>" . $row['street1'] . "
			<br>" . $row['street2'] . "
			<br>" . $row['city'] . ", " . $row['state'] . " " . $row['zipCode'];
		// create the javascript call to select the address
		// uses the popAddress function created above
		echo "<br><a href=\"javascript:popAddress('" . rawurlencode($row['firstName']). "','" . rawurlencode($row['lastName']). "','" . rawurlencode($row['street1']). "','" . rawurlencode($row['street2']). "','" . rawurlencode($row['city']). "','" . rawurlencode($row['state']). "','" . rawurlencode($row['zipCode']). "','" . rawurlencode($row['phone1']). "','" . rawurlencode($row['emailAddress']). "','" . rawurlencode($row['company']) . "');\">SELECT</a>";
	// end arrAddresses loop
// end if logged in
// start address form
// note use securedSiteUrl attribute - this is set in Settings > Site Tab. Use to ensure we go to a secured page
echo "<form name=\"billingAddressForm\" action=\"" . $iProducts['securedSiteUrl']. "/index.php\" method=\"post\">";
// now for each of the fields
// note the use of $addressArr array which contains all the values
// $addressArr array is autotically available to the template when called correctly (fa=ORDER.checkoutBilling)
echo "<br>Email Address: <input name=\"emailAddress\" type=\"text\" value=\"" . $addressArr['emailAddress'] . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"50\"/>";
// if you choose to use the subcribe checkbox
// and a visitor selects it
// they will be subscribed to the newsletter automatically
// just make sure the input is names "subscribe"
// most clients want it always defaulted to checked
echo  "<input name=\"subscribe\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" checked=\"checked\"/> Check to Subscribe";
echo "<br>First Name: <input name=\"firstName\" type=\"text\" value=\"" . $addressArr['firstName'] . "\"size=\"30\" maxlength=\"50\"/>";
echo "<br>Last Name: <input name=\"lastName\" type=\"text\" value=\"" . $addressArr['lastName'] . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"50\"/>";
echo "<br>Company Name: <input name=\"company\" value=\"" . $addressArr['company'] . "\" type=\"text\" /size=\"30\" maxlength=\"50\">";
echo "<br>Street 1: <input name=\"street1\" type=\"text\" value=\"" . $addressArr['street1'] . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"50\"/>";
echo "<br>Street 2: <input name=\"street2\" type=\"text\" value=\"" . $addressArr['street2'] . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"50\"/>";
echo "<br>City: <input name=\"city\" type=\"text\" value=\"" . $addressArr['city'] . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"50\"/>";
// note state is a select input
// use the stateOptionString created at beginning to easily output state options
echo "<br>State:
		<select name=\"state\">
echo "<br>Zip/Postal Code: <input name=\"zipCode\" type=\"text\" value=\"" . $addressArr['zipCode'] . "\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"12\"/>";
echo "<br>Phone Number: <input name=\"phone1\" type=\"text\" value=\"" . $addressArr['phone1'] . "\" size=\"25\" maxlength=\"25\"/>";
// heres a handy feature - use this checkbox to dupe the address to shipping opon submission
// note if shipping address is before billing in the process, use the checkbox in shipping instead
// note we are using shippingAddressId which we created beginning of this script from orderArray
echo "<input name=\"copyTo_sale_addressId\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"$shippingAddressId\" onChange=\"toggleRedirectSuccess(window.document.billingAddressForm.copyTo_sale_addressId.checked);\"/> 
       Use same Billing Address as your Shipping Address";
// the following javascript function is handy to change the success target page
// this will skip the shipping address form if checked
echo "
	   <script language=\"javascript\">
			function toggleRedirectSuccess(copy2Shipping){
				var fieldObj = window.document.billingAddressForm.redirectSuccess;
				if(copy2Shipping) fieldObj.value = 'index.php?fa=ORDER.checkoutPayment&hideKeyField=1';
				if(!copy2Shipping) fieldObj.value = 'index.php?fa=ORDER.checkoutShipping&hideKeyField=1';
			// -->
// submit button to submit the address form
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"continue\">";
// required hidden fields for the address form to work
// note the redirectSuccess, redirectFailure fields to tell the system where to go after the form is processed
// redirectOnFailure will almost always loop back into this form
// redirectOnSuccess will go to the next step in the process, which is usually checkoutShipping, unless billing is after shipping than send them to ORDER.checkoutPayment
echo "
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fa\" value=\"ORDER.checkoutBilling\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formAction\" value=\"form\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"addressId\" value=\"" . $addressArr['addressId'] . "\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"redirectSuccess\" value=\"index.php?fa=ORDER.checkoutShipping&hideKeyField=1\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"redirectFailure\" value=\"index.php?fa=ORDER.checkoutBilling&hideKeyField=1\">
// wrap up our form
echo "</form>";