Settings:First Look

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Revision as of 21:19, 23 October 2008 by (Talk)

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Settings is the core of the engine controls – dictating what tools are turned on and off on the website and how the tools operate. Settings is broken down into the following major areas:

Sets site URLs, physical and virtual roots used by the engine, images and file roots used by image and file management. Visitors that access the site via multiple domains can be ‘funneled’ to a single domain using the ‘Force URLs to this Domain’ option.
Page Management
dictates how the page management tool behaves, page approvals settings, send page to a friend settings, banner management, page caching and pages as events availability. Advanced page record statistics can also be enabled/disabled here for detailed activity tracking on the web site (note: enabling ‘Record Page Views’ is a significant increase in resource requirements by the system and could hinder site speed and availability to visitors).
Page Fields
Dictates availability of certain page management content controls. Also allows ‘aliasing’ of fields as many clients have specific terms they prefer to refer to ‘titles’, ‘subtitles’, etc (for example publishing clients prefer headline, subhead and deck).
Web 2.0
Controls availability and configuration of forums, polling and blogging. Note: page templates must be designed with web 2.0 functions in place for these tools to be operational.
controls availability and configuration of secured documents.
Controls availability and configuration of email campaigns including opt-in/out elections and procedures, registration email content.
controls availability and configuration of ecommerce and it’s components. Set the pages that correspond to the various steps of the checkout process here. Also set emailed invoice content and controls here. Discounting and trigger email integration is managed in eCommerce.
control the site behaviors for user based activities including pages that users see as a result of invalid logins, successful logins, logouts, invalid access attempts (attempts to access secured pages and administration components without permission), and more. Lost password settings are controlled here including lost password email content. User custom fields are set and controlled here (see custom field management) which will be available in user management as well as throughout the site for user registration and account management (this data can later be used to govern landing pages and email campaigns).

Now that you are acquainted with the Settings console, it's time to configure the system