Tax Management

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Tax management provides freeform creation of tax controls that will be applies to orders. Access tax management the 'tax management' link in the administration link list. Note that only administrators and order managers will have access to tax management.

Any number of tax controls can be created. Each tax control has conditions and charges. If an order fits the conditions set in the tax rules, the order will be subject to the charges. If an order qualifies for more than one tax control, the order would be subject to the charges for all the qualifying tax controls. This flexibility is necessary, not only due to the variability of tax rates, but also the conditions changing and individual company tax perspective (Yes, we have seen companies with the same tax circumstances request different tax rules due to different advice from their individual tax attorneys). These tax controls give every organization the capacity to apply whatever tax decisions they wish.

The Tax Rule Form

The tax control form provides fields to set tax control conditions and charges. The fields are as follows:

  • Conditions
  • Source Address: decides if the tax control will be based on the shipping or billing address in the order.
  • Source Address Field: decides which field in the address form will provide the source information for this tax control.
  • Comparison Operator: decides how the source address field value will be compared against the target value when making the tax decision.
  • Comparison Target: the value that the source address field value will be compared against to decide of the order qualifies for the tax charges. Note that multiple values can be entered here by separating them with commas.
  • Charges
  • Fixed Dollar Amount: If the order qualifies for the tax control, this amount will be added to the order as a tax.
  • Percentage of Order: If the order qualifies for the tax control, this percantage of the order subtotal will be added to the order as a tax.
  • Apply to Shipping Charges: Selects if the shipping charges will be considered as part of the order subtotal when applying a percentage of the order tax charge.

Adding a Tax Control

To add a tax control, select the 'add tax control' link at the bottom of the tax control form. A new, empty set of tax control fields will be appended to the form, ready to accept new tax control instructions. Note that your new tax control will not be applied and saved until you select the 'submit form' button at the bottom of the tax control form.

Editing a Tax Control

As all fields for all tax controls are always open in the tax form, simply make changes to any of the fields in order to edit a tax control. Note that your tax control changes will not be applied and saved until you select the 'submit form' button at the bottom of the tax control form.

Deleting a Tax Control

To delete a tax control, select the 'drop this tax control' link located to the bottom right of the tax control row. Note that your deletion is not applied and saved until you select the 'submit form' button at the bottom of the tax control form.