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Product management allows site managers to add, edit and delete products. Product management is accessed by selecting 'products' from the administration link list. Note that you must be an administrator or product manager to have access to this area.

Product Search / Export Form

The product search form provides site managers with the means to find products in the database or add a new product. The product form allows filtering of products by the following:

  • Keyword / ProductId / Product Number: Any of the three can be entered. Multiple Product IDs and Product Numbers can be entered separated by comma.
  • Active: filters products based on their activity status

Products can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet by selected the 'export' button instead of the 'search button'. New products can be added by selected the 'Add New Product' button. Submitting a product search will return a list of qualifying products. The list can be sorted by selecting the column header you wish to sort by.

Product Management Form

The product management form contains several fields and sub forms for managing the product. Many sections of the product form are only available if they are selected as so in Settings, this includes Shared Price Level Matrices, Product Options, Product Configuration. Note that the result of these functions, along with all content fields, will only be visible if the Page Templates presenting the product are built with the intention of utilizing these fields and functions - ask you integrator for more details.

Meta Data

  • Notes: Internal notes only visible by product administrators


  • Product Name: The name of the product will be displayed whenever the product is searched for / related to any other items in site administration. In addition, the product name can be set to display in a page containing the product, or in the shopping cart if the integrator has opted to do so.
  • Title: The title of the product can be set to display in a page containing the product, or in the shopping cart if the integrator has opted to do so.
  • Product Number: The product number will be used to build the final product SKU. This product number will be appended with any option skus selected by the visitor. See Option Management below for more information. This product number can be set to display in a page containing the product, or in the shopping cart if the integrator has opted to do so.
  • Catalog Number: The catalog number will be used to qualify any catalog quick search attempts, if catalog quick search is integrated into the website. The catalog number can be set to display in a page containing the product, or in the shopping cart if the integrator has opted to do so.
  • Child Description: The child description can be set to display in a page containing the product if the integrator has opted to do so.
  • Cart Description: The cart description can be set to display in the shopping cart if the integrator has opted to do so.
  • Image Path: Image path contains the location of an image that will represent the product in the shopping cart if the integrator has opted to do so.
  • Image Alt: The contents of the alt tag for the image in the image path.


  • Active: Inactive products will not show on the site in their product pages. They also cannot be added to the shopping cart.
  • Discontinued: The discontinued flag can be used to make content changes when presenting the product or prohibit the product from being purchased. If you wish to use this feature, discuss with your integrator how you would like the site to react to this selection.
  • Minimum Quantity: The minimum quantity field ensures the buyer of the product does not attempt to buy less then this minimum amount. If the buyer attempts to purchase less than this amount, the minimum amount will be automatically placed in the shopping cart along with a message explaining the minimum requirement.
  • Affiliate Points Bonus: If the affiliate program is in place for the website, each product will register affiliate points equivalent to it's purchase price. The affiliate points bonus allows product managers to add to this affiliate point amount in order to motivate affiliates to push certain product.


Note that there are any number of presentation methods to display all the pricing options that can be set for a product. Talk with your integrator about which pricing options you intend to use and how your would like them displayed.

  • List Price: If no other price information is available, the list price will be charged the buyer.
  • Price: Intended to be used as the regular price for the product.
  • Sale Price: To be used as the sale price for the product.
  • sale Start Date: The sale price will not be available until after this date.
  • Sale End Date: The sale price will only be available before this date.
  • Product Pricing Levels: Sets bulk discounts for products. Any number of bulk discount levels can be created by using the quantity and price field. Note that the price entered here is per single item.
  • Shared Pricing Level Matrices: If shared Product Price Matrices is available (via Settings), then product managers may select a preset shared pricing matrix to guide the bulk pricing discounts for the product.
  • Taxable: if checked, than the product price will be subject to tax charges.


  • Weight: Sets the weight that will be used to calculate shipping if the Fedex shipping option is used.
  • Shipping Surcharge: An additional charge, per individual quantity, applies to shipping for this product.


Product options are used to give buyers choices that further define the product. Product options can be used to create colors (red, blue, green), sizes (small, medium, large) or any other choice you wish to give buyers when purchasing the product. Any number of option groups can be created and any number of options can be created within each group.

Product Option Form

  • Shared Option Group: if shared option groups are available as per Settings, a preset shared option group can be selected to be used with for the product.
  • Group Name: sets the name for the group. This name will be presented when the product is in a page, if the integrator has opted to do so.
  • Options: The list of options the buyer may select from, separated by carriage returns (enter). Each option can contain instructions as follows:
  • Price: The price instruction will increase the cost of the product if the option is selected. The price will be charged per quantity. Enter {price:#} following the option name where # represents the dollar amount offset.
  • Weight: The weight instruction will increase the weight of the product if the option is selected, effecting shipping calculations for systems using Fedex shipping. The weight will be multiplied by the quantity. Enter {weight:#} following the option name where # represents the weight offset in lbs (pounds).
  • SKU: The sku instructions will append the product number to create the final product SKU. SKUs will appended in the order their option groups exist here in administration. Enter {sku:#} following the option name where # is the sku to append the product number.
  • Price Option: The price option instruction works in conjunction with multidimensional pricing available in shared Product Price Matrices. This instruction will tell the system which dimension of the pricing matrix to use. Enter {priceOption:#} following the option name where # is the dimension number (1 through 4) of the dimension in the pricing matrix to use.

Adding an Option Group

To add an option group, select the "+ add option group" link below all the option groups. You will be presented with an empty product option form. See the Product Option Form information above on how to use this form.

Editing an Option Group

To edit an option group, select the "expand" link next to the option group name. The option group's form will expand. See the Product Option Form information above ton how to use this form. Note that shared option groups cannot be edited here - go to Product Option Groups to manage the shared option groups.

Deleting an Option Group

To delete an option group, select the 'remove' link next to the option group name. Note that shared option groups will only be removed from this product, but will still be available for other products.


Configuration allows for very advanced and complex product customization tools to be made available to site visitors. Products such as custom greeting cards, personalized items and more. Configuration allows site managers to create multiple layouts, manage multiple product surfaces and make any number of images, text controls available to site visitors. As this is a very flexible tool, it is custom fit to each web site. Ask you integrator if you intend to use configuration.

The configuration form consists of layout, surface and layer (object) controls. Any number of layouts can be created which can each contain any number of surfaces which can each contain any number of layers. Each of these subforms have fields available as follows:

Layout Form

  • Layout Name: Set a unique name for each layout in a product. The visitor will have the option to select from the available layouts before configuring the product.
  • Layout Description: Additional details about the layout - use this to describe how the layout differs from other layouts for the product.
  • Layout Total Height: In pixels, this value tells the system how much space to reserve on the web page screen to display the configuration (personalization) tool when displaying it to visitors. Build your layout first, then test it and change this value until it fits.
  • Layout Image: A preview image of the layout - shown when the visitor is selecting layouts.

Surface Form

  • Surface Name: Set a unique name for each surface in a layout. This name will title the surface when the visitor is configuring the layout.
  • Surface Description: Use to provide additional details about the surface, where it will be located on the product and how to personalize it.
  • Screen Height: Sets the reserved space for for the surface on the web page screen.
  • Scale: The scale is used to adjust the layer objects accordingly so they are the correct relative size on the surface. Defaults to 1.0. Adjusting this value will inversely effect the size of all images and text for each layer object on the surface.

Layer (Object) Form

  • Layer Object Name: Internal name for the layer - visible to site managers and also used to identify the layer to auto populate from cookie data (i.e. if this is set to "company name" for a product and a value is entered, than all future configurable products with layers named "company name" will be pre-populated with the submitted value). Note that layers will will stack over each other in the order they are listed in the surface - use the up (^) and down (v) arrows next to the layer name to pull the layer forward or push it behind other layers on the surface.
  • Title: The title that is displayed to visitors when configuring this layer of the product.
  • Layer Object Description: Additional details about the layer for the visitor.
  • Layer Type: The layer type dictates what options will be available to manage the layer. Layer types are either "text" (allowing visitors to type in or select from preset text) or "image" (setting a unchangeable image like a background, allowing selection from a preset list of images or allowing the visitor to upload their own image).
  • Fields Shared by All Types: These fields will be available to configure all layer types.
  • X Point: The layer will be anchored on the surface this many pixels from the left edge of the surface.
  • Y Point: The layer will be anchored on the surface this many pixels from the top edge of the surface.
  • Horizontal Alignment: Sets if the anchor point on the layer is the left edge, center or right edge of the layer.
  • Vertical Alignment: Sets if the anchor point of the layer is the top edge, middle or bottom edge of the layer.
  • Fixed Image: Type of layer where an image is set by the site manager and is not adjustable by the visitor.
  • Width: Sets the width of the image - the image will be automatically be resized and scaled to fit this width, if it is over this width.
  • Height: Sets the height of the image - the image will be automatically be resized and scaled to fit this height, if it is over this height.
  • Image Path: Sets the image that will appear. Use the browse button the right of the field to select an image from the image library.
  • User Uploaded Image: Provides the visitor with the means to upload their own image.
  • Width: Sets the maximum width for the image, the image will be resized and scaled down to fit this width if it is larger.
  • Height: Sets the maximum height for the image, the image will be resized and scaled down to fit this height if it is larger.
  • Image Path: Sets the default image (placeholder) that will appear until the user uploads an image. Use the browse button the right of the field to select an image from the image library.
  • Image Library: Provides a list of pre-set images that the visitor can choose from when configuring the product.
  • Width: Sets the maximum width for the image, the image will be resized and scaled down to fit this width if it is larger.
  • Height: Sets the maximum height for the image, the image will be resized and scaled down to fit this height if it is larger.
  • Image / Phrase Library: Sets the list of images that will be available for the visitor. Create and manage these lists via the Content Libraries area of site management.
  • Image Path: Sets the default image or placeholder that will be displayed until the visitor selects an image from the library. Use the browse button the right of the field to select an image from the image library.
  • Text Library: Provides a list of pre-set words/phrases/sentences that the visitor can choose from when configuring the product.
  • Font: Sets the font that this text will appear in. The font options are set up by your integrator - be sure to mention any specific fonts, sizes, styles you want available so they are set up correctly.
  • Image / Phrase Library: Sets the list of phrases that will be available for the visitor. Create and manage these lists via the Content Libraries
  • Default Value: Sets the default or placeholder text that will appear until the visitor makes a selection.
  • Text Lines: Provides a series of open single-line text fields that the visitor can fill in.
  • Font: Sets the font that this text will appear in. The font options are set up by your integrator - be sure to mention any specific fonts, sizes, styles you want available so they are set up correctly.
  • Width: Sets the maximum number of characters per line.
  • Height: Sets the number of text lines (a single field will be presented for each line)
  • Default Value: The default or placeholder text that will appear in these lines. The text entered will be split into individual lines to populate each of the text lines available in this layer.
  • Text Block: Provides a multi-line text area field that the visitor can fill in.
  • Font: Sets the font that this text will appear in. The font options are set up by your integrator - be sure to mention any specific fonts, sizes, styles you want available so they are set up correctly.
  • Width: Sets the maximum number of characters per line.
  • Height: Sets the maximum number of lines.
  • Default Value: The default or placeholder text that will appear in this field.

Cross Sells

Sets the cross sell pages attached to the PRODUCT. Typically used in the shopping cart, after checkout is completed and in order follow up emails to cross sell the buyer to other products. Not to be confused with any cross sells (page children) set up for any pages containing this product, as those are managed inside of the pages themselves. These cross sells may or may not be utilized on your site, depending on your site requirements. The cross sells are selected and managed using the Relationship Window tool.


Sets the pages that will house this product. Pages housing this product contain all the necessary fields and links to add this product to the shopping cart including quantity selection, add to cart button and options that the buyer may select from. The parents are selected and managed using the Relationship Window tool.

Adding a New Product

To add a product, select the "Add New Product" link in the product search form. An empty product management form will be presented. See Product Management Form above for details on how to use this form.

Editing a Product

To edit a product, search for it using the product search form. Select "edit" next to the product you wish to manage. The product form will be presented containing the selected product's information. See Product Management Form above for details on how to use this form.

Deleting a Product

To delete a product, search for it using the product search form. Select "edit" next to the product you wish to manage. The product form will be presented containing the selected product's information. Click the "Delete" button at the bottom of the product form.

Duplicate a Product

To duplicate a product, search for it using the product search form. Select "edit" next to the product you wish to manage. The product form will be presented containing the selected product's information. Select the "Duplicate" button at the top of the product form, A pop up will ask for the name of your new product .Enter a name and you will be presented with a form containing all the same information as the duplicated product with the new name. This product will not be added to the database until the 'add new product' button is selected at the top of bottom of the product management form.