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Revision as of 03:21, 17 March 2009 by (Talk) (added poNumber, payMethod, instantCreditAccountNUmber to payments array)
Retrieves data for entire order including items, payments, addresses, etc. Use for building shopping cart page, order review/summary page and order receipts.
$orderArray = eV::orderGetCompleteArray($orderId=NULL)
- unique orderId as assigned by the system upon creation of the order. If empty, the system will default to the current shopping cart (session.order.orderId)
Return Values
Associative array of complete order information. The array is as follows:
Array ( [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemId] => INT [createDate] => DATETIME [modDate] => DATETIME [createUserId] => INT [modUserId] => INT [quantity] => INT [pricePer] => FLOAT [listPricePer] => FLOAT [sale_addressId] => INT [shipType] => STRING [shipTypeCode] => STRING [shipAmount] => FLOAT [addressName] => STRING [taxAmount] => FLOAT [firstName] => STRING [lastName] => STRING [user_addressId] => INT [street1] => STRING [street2] => STRING [city] => STRING [state] => STRING [zipCode] => INT [country] => STRING [phone1] => STRING [phone2] => STRING [phone3] => STRING [fax] => STRING [emailAddress] => STING [instructions] => STRING [deliveryDate] => DATETIME [imagePath] => STRING [isDiscontinued] => BIT [productId] => INT [productName] => STRING [productNumber] => STRING [sku] => STRING [cartDescription] => STRING [isTaxable] => BIT [shippingSurcharge] => FLOAT [affiliatePoints] => INT [weight] => FLOAT [itemLayout_complete] => BIT [itemLayout_configurable] => BIT [minQuantity] => INT [matrixId] => INT [aggregateBenefit] => BIT [aggregateMinQuantity] => INT [aggregateMinQuantityFailurePageId] => INT [freeItem_discountId] => INT [options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupId] => INT [groupName] => STRING [title] => STRING [price] => FLOAT [priceOption] => INT ) [1] => Array ... ) ) [1] => Array ... ) [payments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [paymentId] => INT [createDate] => DATETIME [modDate] => DATETIME [createUserId] => INT [modUserId] => INT [sale_addressId] => INT [accountNumber] => STRING [expDate] => DATETIME [authNumber] => STRING [cancelDate] => DATETIME [manualPayment] => BIT [processDate] => DATETIME [amount] => FLOAT [payType] => STRING [poNumber] => STRING [payMethod] => STRING [instantCreditAccountNumber] => STRING [taxAmount] => FLOAT [firstName] => STRING [lastName] => STRING [user_addressId] => INT [street1] => STRING [street2] => STRING [city] => STRING [state] => STRING [zipCode] => INT [country] => STRING [phone1] => STRING [phone2] => STRING [phone3] => STRING [fax] => STRING [emailAddress] => STRING [instructions] => STRING ) [1] => Array ... ) [discounts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [discountId] => INT [prod_discountId] => INT [discountCode] => STRING [description] => STRING [amount] => FLOAT [createDate] => DATETIME [modDate] => DATETIME [createUserId] => INT [modUserId] => INT [mutuallyExclusive] => BIT [itemId] => INT [isStatic] => BIT ) [1] => Array ... ) [order] => Array ( [orderId] => INT [orderNumber] => INT [completeDate] => DATETIME [cancelDate] => DATETIME [checkoutRegistrationDate] => DATETIME [checkoutAddressDate] => DATETIME [checkoutPaymentDate] => DATETIME [checkoutConfirmationDate] => DATETIME [add2CartDate] => DATETIME [accountUserId] => INT [adminUserId] => INT [notes] => STRING [HTTP_REFERER] => STING [ENTRY_URL] => STRING [IP_ADDRESS] => STRING [createDate] => DATETIME [modDate] => DATETIME [createUserId] => INT [modUserId] => INT [itemTotal] => FLOAT [baseShippingTotal] => FLOAT [shippingTotal] => FLOAT [taxTotal] => FLOAT [itemSurchargeTotal] => FLOAT [paymentTotal] => FLOAT [discountTotal] => FLOAT [discountFreeTotal] => FLOAT [grandTotal] => FLOAT [totalDue] => FLOAT [totalQuantity] => INT [weightTotal] => FLOAT [matrixAggregateMinQuantityMet] => BOOL [matrixArr] => Array [key is matrixId] ( [aggregateMinQuantity] => INT [aggregateMinQuantityFailurePageId] => INT [totalQuantity] => INT [itemIndexes] => Array of INT ) ) )
- For an example of use in Shopping Cart, see Creating a Shipping Cart Template