Page Templates:Functions

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Revision as of 18:26, 2 April 2009 by Root (Talk | contribs)

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Page Template Managers

Page Template Functions

A series of custom functions are created to allow content management to easily access content they require to build the copy in templates:

Quick Output of Options Tags for common select boxes
Set Variables that Content Managers can use in the WYSIWYG copy editor
Retrieve Page Content to Build Pages
Manage Copy
  • fullyQualifyAllURLs - converts any relative/absolute URL in the passed copy to fully qualified URLs - useful when sending copy as an email
Manage Large Lists of Data
  • pagination - easy to use tool to paginate large sets of data. Use for managing page children, search results and more
Retrieve Order information for perpetual and full shopping carts, checkout stages, order history
  • orderGetSummary - returns summerized order information. Useful for perpetual carts.
  • orderGetPayTypes - returns data relating to active paytypes in the system
  • userGetAddresses - returns data for all addresses belonging to a specific user
  • orderGetShipArray - returns array of shipping options and costs
  • orderGetCompleteArray - returns full order information including payment, item, address, etc. Use for shopping carts, order summaries and receipts of orders.
  • ordersGetList - returns listing of orders for a particular user (useful for building order history pages)
Retrieve User Content to Build Community (Web 2.0) Pages
  • usersGet - retrieve user data from a list of user ids
  • userBlogEntriesGet - retrieve blog entry data belonging to a specific user
  • userFriendsGet - retrieves data for users in a specific user's 'friend list'
  • userWishListGet - retrieves product data for products in a specific user's wish list
  • usersAmbassadorGet - retrieves user data for users that are classified as 'ambassadors'
Set Tracking Functions
User Management Functions
Retrieve additional information from address data
Security functions
  • captchaCheck - validate a captcha image to ensure we don't have automated form submissions
  • ipBlockCheck - checks if an IP is registered to the block list
Shortcut Functions that just plain make your job easier
  • redirect - redirects visitors to another page
  • valueArrayFromQuery - returns a single dimension array of values based on the contents of a specific column in all records of a query
  • dollarFormat - converts a decimal to a dollar value with preceding $ sign.
  • validateEmail - checks to make sure an email address is well formatted.